Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 1 : Orientation, and dinner at the infamous 'Carnivore' restaurant

We're staying at the Lakeview Airport Lodge in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Lodge is run by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (ELCSA). Day 1 was an orientation with all of the women from the U.S. and the women from southern Africa; lots of introductions and opportunities to get to know each other, as well as what this seminar experience will be all about!

Some things learned so far (among many!):

- There are 11 languages spoken in SA; from the age of 4 years old, most children already know 4 or 5 different languages!
- About 70% of the people in and around Jo'burg speak English
- The racial make-up of SA is: 79% black, 9.6% white, 2.5% Indian, and 8.9% 'colored' (ie., mixed race) .
- Gold was discovered in Gauteng (essentially, the county that Jo'burg is in) in 1886; several mines around the Johannesburg area soon followed.
- European immigrants - primarily "Dutch and British with a few Germans, French Hugenots and others" (P. Knutson) - took colonial power because of the discovery of gold and diamonds; Union of SA was established in 1910.
- Africa was divided and boundaries were drawn by Europeans, not Africans; borders were drawn based on 'claims' by different countries, to protect their 'interests' when it came to various natural resources they were hoping to discover and make a profit on.
- "These boundaries/borders weren't created by God. They're killing us. AIDS, global warming, immigration; these all transcend ANY boundaries." (P. Knutson)
- "How do you undo colonialism? How do you undo cancer without damaging the other organs?? It can't be undone nicely." (P. Knutson)
- Apartheid was established in 1948
- Apartheid ended in 1994

There is much, MUCH info between these last 2 dates (MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more) when Apartheid was taking place in South Africa. More to come on this after tomorrow's sessions that will relate to race relations in SA: the Apartheid Museum and the Gold Reef City Mines.

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